My health is getting worse with age. In spite of skin problems, black eyes and pigmentation, I used to suffer with leg swelling and inconvenient to walk. I felt fatigue most of the time. A friend of mine has introduced B&H to me and I started to consume 2 capsules everyday during day and night. At the same time, I consume F&E as well. I started to have smooth defecation at the first day. 3 days later, my swollen leg became more painful. However, I felt better after that and 1 week later, I felt great enhancement on health and having pinkish face. I would like to thank LFI for producing such an effective product and make my life more wonderful!

I had suffered with constipation for 10 years. I took western medicine as usual yet I feel a bunch of stool in my stomach. Consequently, I could hardly sleep well and felt painful all over my body. I used to feel dizziness and weakness on limbs. One day, I knew about B&H from my friend and tried it curiously. At the beginning, I ate 1 capsule each in the morning and night. 2 days later, I still have difficulty in defecation. So, I increased the dose to 5 capsules each in the morning and night. I have smooth defecation with heavy smell after the adjustment. Moreover, my feces are all multi-color including black, red and even green.
1 week later, I felt abdominal distension almost every night. I have desire to defecate after 15 minutes and farting a lots. 1 month later, I have smaller tummy, my body has slimmed down and healthier. Consuming B&H has solved my 10 years suffering. Nowadays, I have smooth defecation and good sleep. I only need to consume 5 capsules of B&H everyday in the morning now. My constipation problem has been totally cured!

10 Years Constipation Problem
Shu Rong Shi 70,
I am 71 and had been suffering from serious constipation for 10 years. I only went to toilet once or twice a week and each time it took me half to one hour with tremendous efforts. The stools were always hard and black in colour. I have tried almost all patent medicine in the market but most of the time the effect did not last long. Doctors, on the other hand advised me to take more fruit and vegetable besides drinking more water, but my problem was not solved.
My daily life was so much affected for example I went for a one day tour two years ago. Upon arrival, I suddenly felt like going to toilet therefore I went. But I couldn¡¯t get it out. As a result, I went in and out to the toilet. This really had brought me lot of inconvenience. I underwent a coronary heart disease surgery in the same year. The constipation problem remained and all western medicine did not show any effect on it. I was really upset.
My third son knew about my problem. He bought me B&H. I take 4 capsules a day. It works! I can go to toilet every 3 to 4 days. Up to now, I have been taking B&H for nearly 2 years, my problem is solved and I go to toilet every 2 days without any difficulty. From the experience gather throughout the years, I realize that B&H clears the detoxifying passage while regulating functions of all organs. It improves my bad breath problem and it really helps!

Constipation Nightmare
Liew Jian Ping, 54
Constipation not only affects my daily life but also bring about other problems such as
gasses in stomach, bloating and insomnia. Going to toilet was a painful experience where I only went to toilet in every 3 to 4 days and each time I will spend a long time in there and sometime it was unsuccessful. I often went to consult doctor and most of the time the doctor gave me cathartic which did not solve my problem. My health condition became worse as time passes. In 1993, I was diagnosed to have gastritis and duodenal ulcer in addition to piles. I relied on painkiller.
I began to take B&H after I saw its advertisement. Until today, I have been taking it for 3 years and all illnesses are in control. It solves first the constipation problem then bloating, duodenal ulcer and piles. I do not need to see doctor for consultation and medicine anymore while I have better appetite and sleep now. I am still taking B&H till today, 2 capsules a day with 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. My bowel movement is easy and smooth now

I Can Enjoy Food As I Wish
Yi Mei Ru, 52
I suffer from diabetic and hypertension. Doctor advises me to lose some weight, avoid oily and fatty food and do more exercises for better health. However, I enjoy eating and unable to resist food. Advices from doctor therefore become useless.
My friend introduced me B&H. I read the introduction and notice that it helps to withdraw excessive fat and unabsorbed nutrient from my body. In view of this, I began with one bottle. I could see the effect of this product after half the bottle was consumed. It excretes the extra fat and waste material from my body thus reduces my body weight. Problems like bloating ness and indigestion had disappeared. Now I always have a bottle of B&H with me when I travel so that I can eat all I want.
B&H regulates my body in every aspect. Even though I work in an environment with liquor and smoke, I remain healthy.

Stabilizes Blood Lipid
Connie Mok, 58
To be pretty and handsome is the dream for everybody. More than 10 years in the beauty line, I have seen many different individual sharing this same dream. This is why, though working for more than 10 hours, our customers flow never stop. Even though Hong Kong has slowed down its economic development, male and female that dreaming for better appearance and condition has never become lesser because of this.
Good business means better profit and satisfaction. However, there is always a price to pay for. Mouth ulcer, poor digestion system, rough skin with big poles and weight gain puzzled me a lot. Body sliming tablets that I tried couldn¡¯t help me instead I was told to have hyperlipemia and gallstone by doctor. As the result, I underwent a surgery. My health condition became worse after that. Tonics couldn¡¯t help to improve my poor complexion and boost up my energy.
After seeing the advertisement on B&H from TV, I began to consume this product from the point of detoxifying. The effect given was amazing after taken for 6 months. B&H improves my skin condition where the secretion of facial oil is balanced and pigmentation is lessened while the blood lipid becomes more stable.
After consuming B&H, I remain energized even after working for more than 10 hours. It regularizes my health condition and of course I will continue taking it.
LF B&H Testimoni - Pn Joyah
LF B&H Testimoni - Shaim
LF B&H Testimoni - Khamsinah
LF B&H Testimoni - Abdul Razak
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