Q1: What will happen to human body after taking LF B&H?
1. Dark yellowish urine.
2. Frequency and volume of defecation will increase obviously, acidic stink and darkish stool is resulted.
3. Uncomfortable bowel movement rarely occurs and will vanish with time.These are normal detoxification phenomena when toxins are excreted from human body.
Q2: How long does it take to see the result?
It depends on individuals¡¯ health condition. Generally, results can be seen after several days.
Q3: What are the differences between detoxification dosage and healthy preservation dosage?
Toxins in our body would induce poor immune system, lack of physical strength, poor memory, unsound sleep, bad breath, and indigestion, overweight, dry and pale skin, pigmentation, acne; lose hair, abdominal swelling and difficult defecation etc. If you have 2 or more of the above symptoms, consuming detoxification dosage would be appropriate; if you have less than 2 of the above symptoms, then health preservation dosage would be more suitable or adjust the dosage according to individual¡¯s needs.
Q4: Is B&H and LF B&H same product with different pakaging?
LF B&H is the improving formula of B&H product with advantage to clean out heavy metal, plumbum and other toxin from body. It has different MAL number and already approved by KMM
Soal Jawab
Q1: APakah yang akan berlaku selepas penggunaan LF B&H?
1. Toksin larut dalam urin menghasilkan urin yang berwarna kuning tua
2. Toksin terurai dalam najis menghasilkan najis yang berbau busuk dan berwarna gelap. pada masa yang sama, frekuensi pembuangan najis juga akan meningkat.
3. Segelintiran orang akan mengalami sakit perut, namun kesakitan ini akan hilang dalam beberapa hari. Simptom ini menandakan proses detoksifikasi yang normal dan toksin mula disingirkan keluar dari badan melalui saluran detoksifikasi.
Q2: Berapa lamakah kesan LF B&H mula dialami selepas penggunaan?
Keadaan badan adalah berbeza mengikut individu masing-masing, maka cara penggunaan juga berbeza. Oleh itu, terdapat perbezaan tempoh keberkesanan LF B&H mengikut inndividu yang berbeza. Lazimnya, pengguna akan mengalami kesannya dalam beberapa hari
Q3: Apakah perbezaan diantara "dos detoksifikasi" dan "dos penjagaan kesihatan"?
Pengumpulan toksin dalam badan boleh mengakibatkan keturunan daya ketahanan badan, kelemahan badan, kemerosotan daya ingatan, insomania, mulut berbau, masalah penghadaman, kegemukan, masalah kulit, pigmentasi, jerawat, keguguran rambut, perut kembung, sembelit dan sebagainya. Sekiranya anda mengalami 2 atau lebih simptom-simptom dia atas, maka anda adalah sesuai dengan penggunaan "dos detoksifikasi". Sekiranya anda mengalami kurang daripada 2 simptom di atas, makan anda boleh memilih cara penggunaan "dos Penjagaan kesihatan" atau mengikut keperluan individu.
Q4: Adakah Produk B&H dan LF B&H adalah sama dengan pembungkusan yang berbeza?
LF B&H adalah formula yang dipertingkatkan dari produk B&H dimana ia mempunyai kelebihan untuk menyingkirkan Logam berat, plumbum dan toksin yang lain daripada badan. Ia mempunyai no MAL yang berbeza yang telah diluluskan oleh KMM
1. Why does the frequency of bowel discharge increase after consuming B&H?
The increase in the frequency of bowel discharge is due to the increase in the removal of toxins. The feces excreted are extremely smelly. By taking B&H, toxins within the body can be removed regularly and will not accumulate. Of course, this does not necessarily mean a higher dosage will provide better results. Medical profession are of the opinion that the ideal rate of bowel removal should be twice daily or thrice in two days.
2. Why does the urine become extremely yellow after consuming B&H?
The peculiar yellow color of the urine indicates the removal of toxins from the body and proves the effectiveness of B&H. Water soluble toxins are removed through the urinary process.
3. What kind of toxin does B&H discharge?
Toxins are substances which are detrimental to human health. They could be environment-imposed factors such as general air pollution, exhaust fumes from motor vehicles and industries, agricultural chemical, food contamination and harmful chemicals. While self-imposed factors result from waste products of normal metabolism, including sugar, fats, proteins and trace elements. These are the causes of external and internal factors of toxins to be removed by B&H.
4. How can we know whether we have toxins within us?
Toxins cause dizziness, headaches, fatigue, breathlessness, paleness, restlessness, bad breath, loss of appetite, abdominal distension, constipation, difficulty in moving bowels, dry feces, skin pigmentation, loss of skin elasticity and premature aging. If one or two of the above symptoms exist, then there must be excess toxins in the body which cause deterioration of heath.
5. Are there toxins in a healthy body? Is there any necessity to remove such toxins??
In the metabolic process of absorbing nutrients and removing waste matters, large quantities of toxins are produced. This, coupled with external factors of influence contribute to a rise in toxin level which eventually results in the accumulation of toxins within a healthy body is much stronger, ailments do not surface easily. Once the body weakens due to certain factors or a dysfunction of the detoxification channel, resulting in an increase of toxins in the body, ailments will surface.
As such, a healthy person should take B&H on regular basis in order to maintain his/her detoxification channels so as to clear even the slightest amount of toxins in his/her body. It also elevates the immunity system and improves resistance against ailments.
6. What are the dangers posed by the retention of toxins within the body?
The retention of toxins in the body results in malfunctioning of the vital organs, tissues and cells. It also causes imbalance in the circulation of blood and oxygen, imbalance in the ¡°yin¡± and the ¡°yang¡±, abnormalities in the various body systems, imbalance in the metabolic process and endocrine system which results in ailments such as constipation, acne, pimples, obesity, hyperlipidernia, hypertension and freckles. These shorten life and in serious cases, they cause prolonged ailments.
7. How does B&H remove toxins?
B&H clears the path for the removal of toxins in blood vessels, lymphatic vessels the meridian and vital organs via the major channels such as the digestive system and urinary system. It also adjusts the metabolism of the human body by application of its unique formulation, balancing the vital systems of the body so as to maintain a balance in the circulation of blood and oxygen as well as the ¡°yin¡± and the ¡°yang¡± state of health.
8. How does B&H beautify the skin?
On the one hand, it removes toxins from within the body in order to promote metabolism and regulate the endocrine system so as to aid the recovery of skin problems such as acne, pimples, skin pigmentation and freckles. On the other hand, it regulates the circulation of blood and oxygen in the body, increasing the supply of blood to the skin, strengthening and activating skin cells, preventing aging of skin, softens skin making it supple to achieving a beautiful complexion.
9. Why does B&H possess therapeutic effect on various ailments?
Toxins are the cause of ailments and aging. The retention of toxins causes the dysfunction of body mechanisms, resulting in an imbalance of the circulation of blood and oxygen supply, disorder of the vital organs, imbalance in the ¡°yin¡± and ¡°yang¡± state of health, the occurrence of various ailments. B&H is a formulation based on such pathological findings. It is capable of clearing the passageway for discharging toxins from within the human body while regulating the circulation of blood and oxygen, balancing the ¡°yin¡± and the ¡°yang¡± state of health and the vital organs, to providing therapeutic effect which has become the basis of diagnosis by Chinese physicians.
10. Why does the dosage of B&H of every individual vary?
This is because the body of every individual differs in so far as the endurance towards medicine, sensitivity, the type of ailment, condition and the degree of blockage of detoxification system is concerned. As such, the dosage varies from one individual to another.
During the period of administration, the frequency of bowels discharge should be at the rate of twice daily or thrice in two days. This aids the removal of toxins and clears the passageway for the discharge of toxins. It also improves the circulation of blood and oxygen resulting in early recuperation. If you do not achieve the bowel rate of thrice in two days, then your rate of toxin removal is low and you have to increase your dosage (by one additional capsule each time). If your bowel rate exceeds twice daily, then the rate of toxin removal has exceeded the norm and you should reduce your dosage.
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