Scientifically Testified By Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University had done a clinical test which involved more than 1000 subjects within 30 years old to 60 years old peoples. As part of the research, Hong Kong Polytechnic University had done several animal studies on LF B&H. Since 2005, those tests have proven that consumption of LF B&H helps in lowering the level of mercury and cadmium in kidney, decreasing DDT and arsenic level in blood, as well as lead level in animals' femur.

Test Result : After consuming LF B&H, mercury level and cadmium level in rat's kidney had reduced 64% and 41.85% compared to other groups, whereas DDT level in rat's blood had obviously dropped about 44.04% compared to other groups. Besides, lead level in rat¡¯s femur had also decreased drastically compared to other groups, which excreted 81.74% of lead.
Antioxidant Study By Modern Chinese Medicine Research Centre - Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Study showed that, LF B&H excreted 4 times of active free radical ¨C DPPH more than powerful antioxidant (BHT) and contains similar total capacity of antioxidant with BHT. Besides, this study also reflected that total content of phenols in 1gram LF B&H is equal to total content of phenols in 47mg Gallic acid.
Hasil Penyelidikan Saintifik Universiti Yang Kukuh Disahkan Selamat dan Dipercayai Universiti Politeknik Hong Kong
Universiti Politeknik Hong Kong telah menjalankan ujian penyelidikan dan melibatkan lebih daripada 1000 orang subjek di antara 30 tahun hingga 60 tahun. Sebagai sebahagian daripada ujian ini, Universiti Politeknik Hong Kong turut menjalankan ujian haiwan terhadap produk LF B&H. Sejak tahun 2005, Ujian penyelidikan berkenaan mendapati bahawa LF B&H berupaya menurunkan tahap merkuri dalam ginjal, DDT dan arsenik dalam darah dan plumbum dalam tulang femur haiwan.

Hasil Penyelidikan : Selepas pengambilan LF B&H, kanndungan merkuri dan cadmium dalam ginjal tikus masing-masing berkurangan sebanyak 64% dan 41.85%, kandungan DDT dalam darah tikus pula menurun sebanyak 44.04% manakala kandungan plumbum dalam tulang femur tikus juga berkurangan dengan ketara, iaitu mengeluarkan plumbum sebanyak 81.74%.
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